Undoubtedly, the stability of the web hosting service is one of the most crucial factors that you should check before you order a hosting package, but also the account management procedure shouldn’t be unduly complicated. You would not like to sign in and out of different systems all the time to perform a few plain tasks, would you? With the most famous Control Panel tools, there are no less than two accounts for a website – billing and hosting, so you will have to switch between two separate admin panels to register a brand new domain name, then to host it and to upload the web files for it. It would be much easier if you could administer everything connected with your domain names in one single place and save plenty of time and energy, not to mention that it’d be far easier to carry out particular tasks.

Feature-rich Domain Manager in Shared Hosting

Managing your domain names and everything associated with them will be incredibly easy if you get a shared hosting package through us. The account itself will be administered via the innovative Hepsia hosting Control Panel, part of which is our feature-loaded Domain Manager tool. The latter will permit you to administer all your domain names without difficulty – you’ll be able to register and to renew domains in bulk, to activate Whois Privacy Protection for any of them or to edit their DNS info, to park and to redirect them with just a couple of clicks of the mouse. The Domain Manager also offers quick-access buttons and by clicking on any of your domain names, you will be able to do lots of things – to monitor traffic statistics, to create email accounts or databases, to access the web files pertaining to the particular domain name and so on. The advantage of our Domain Manager is that all these options are available in one single location, so you will not need to switch between multiple admin consoles, which will spare you lots of time.

Feature-rich Domain Manager in Semi-dedicated Hosting

If you get a Linux semi-dedicated package through us, you’ll be able to administer all your domain names and everything connected with them without any difficulty through our fully featured Domain Manager, which is part of our in-house developed Hepsia hosting Control Panel. Everything that you require is conveniently available in one place. Aside from registering and renewing domain names, making WHOIS modifications and activating Whois Privacy Protection, you’ll also be able to perform more advanced tasks using quick-access buttons – you will be able to access the website files for a given domain name, to create an e-mail account, an FTP account or a database, to keep an eye on traffic statistics and error logs, and much more. The Domain Manager is powerful enough for expert users, yet simple enough to be used by non-proficient individuals too. It will grant you full authority over your domain names and the web hosting services related to them.